Shoreline erosion is the loss of land and the weathering of coastal rock that is caused by high water levels and strong storm waves. From the 40s to 60s, storms had heavily eroded Deerfield Beach and other beaches on the Atlantic coast.

house destroyed street

Shoreline Erosion is responsible for 500 million dollars in property loss and damages each year. It also heavily impacts fishing, agriculture, and tourism. Not protecting our shoreline can lead to even more disastrous events especially during weather emergencies.

What can we do to help?


Groins are perpendicular structures that interrupt water flow and limit the movement of sediment and allow for the build up of sand.


Jetties are structures that protect costlines from tides and currents serving as a barrier from erosion as well as connection the sea where people can fish safely.

Other Solutions

Although the aforementioned structures alleviate the stress of erosion in the short run, in the long run they are proven to continue the process of erosion. Serving as only temporary solutions to this seemingly permanent problem.

Dunes and Vegetation

Dunes serve as natural protection for coastlines as well as provide homes for native animals and plants. As plants grow on dunes they anchor sand in place further preventing erosion. In our town, Deerfield Beach, and the neighboring town, Pompano Beach, there are many dune projects as shown below.

Dune in Deerfield beach, planted 03/2017 Dune in Pompano Beach, planted 03/2020

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